“Community is by far the most important part of everyone’s journey. The ways my brothers have helped me in my story is by far the most significant part that helped me change.” ~J.D. Nurmi, Sept. 2023~

You are my way out of darkness. Yeah…you. At the start of this journey with my son, I hid from the world. I lived in isolation, if only in my mind. I was terrified. I was ashamed. I was embarrassed. I was hopeless. I was lonely. Finding community didn’t seem possible. All of my time was dedicated to mindlessly getting through my day, and worrying if my son would. It isn’t the kind of thing you talk about, for fear of judgment that we were ineffective, negligent, or awful parents. Or pitied. I don’t even live in the south, and I can’t begin to tell you how many times I heard, “Oh, bless your heart.” Our family had somehow shifted outside of our community, which was ok with me because I wear my heart on my sleeve, and have a really hard time being disingenuous. Nobody wanted to hear how I was really doing because it was so uncomfortable for them to hear. I can’t blame them. This is a unique and scary journey.

Then I found you…and I could breathe again. I was in pretty rough shape when I found Other Parents Like Me. If you met me back then you would know I couldn’t talk without crying. I had all of these feelings and thoughts that had been building up inside of me with no appropriate outlet. Even though I was doing all the things the books told me to do, I was experiencing literal despair. The very day I started attending meetings, I knew in my head and heart I was going to be OK. I found a community where I fit in. I found people who understood my specific brand of crazy. I was not shamed. I was not judged. I was not lectured on what I should have done. Instead I was picked up by people I had never met, who held me in their virtual arms, and made space for me to feel and heal. I never knew this was the community I had always needed, but I can tell you without a doubt, and without exaggeration, finding community saved my life.

I have hope because I can see the journey of others who have gone before me and that’s community. I see the growth of those who came after me, and that’s community. I can laugh at things that are dark, and that’s community. I can cry over silly things, and be there for others as they cry, and that’s community. I know that finding community with OPLM has helped me become a better parent, friend, and member of society, because my work and growth started with you.

Thanks for being my people. I love this community, and I love you.